What Our Partners and Staff Say
“One of our requirements of all bidders was to talk to us about how they would approach construction given that it was an occupied building… Of all the bidders, they gave that the most thought. They were really thinking about…who lived here, problem solving from the get-go and finding the best way to stage the construction so that people would be least impacted. That was a huge signal to us that they were the right partner.”
Lizbeth Heyer
Chief of Real Estate and Innovation
2Life Communities
Fast Facts


Repeat Clients

Field Staff

Office Staff


Project Size


Project per PM


Self-performed Trades
Four Decades Strong
Firm founded as a carpentry business by Francis Colantonio in Newton, MA
First Historical Renovation Project, Bachrach Studios, Boston
First Industrial Project,
New Balance, Brighton
CI Incorporates
on September 1
Fran moves business
to Holliston, MA
First Academic Project, Framingham State University
Fran hires Holliston HS Student George Willwerth
First Public Project, James Michael Curley House, Jamaica Plain
First Affordable Housing Project, Pembroke St. Housing, Chelsea, MA
Logo Change
George returns to CI as Vice President from 5-year stint with Kiewit
First Historical Renovation Award, Helen Heineman Ecumenical and Cultural Center
Revenues exceed $10 million
CI moves to current home at 16 Everett Street
New Logo
Revenues exceeded $20 million
Revenues exceeded $30 million
AGC MA Build NE Merit Award: D. Justin McCarthy Center
CI receives First Place AGC National Construction Safety Excellence Award
George Willwerth promoted to President
AGC MA Build NE Performance Award: Field Elementary School
Careers in Construction Initiative Kicks Off
Revenues exceed $40 Million
Chris Powers promoted to Vice President
Revenues exceed $60 Million
Awarded MA State House Senate Chambers Renovation Project
New Logo
Colantonio celebrates 40th anniversary