Project Description

Colantonio restored this 4,000 square foot library listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The project was designed by McKinnell, McKinnell & Taylor.

Weather conditions over the last hundred years had eroded some of the exterior masonry and Weymouth granite stonework.  Colantonio selectively removed and catalogued the stone, investigated the backup walls, and made necessary repairs. We then reinstalled the stone in its original location. All masonry joints were raked and repointed.

We replaced the existing slate roof with a temporary membrane until the masonry work was completed.  We then replaced the membrane with a new slate roof, installing new structural support at each gable end.

The existing copper gutters and cornice flashing were replaced with new gutters and flashing to match the existing ones.  Finally, the existing finial was removed and carefully refurbished.

Extensive asbestos abatement was also performed on the building.
